Symptoms that your phone may be hacked

 Symptoms that your phone may be hacked

Heating of phone unnecessarily

Mobile phone often get heated when over usage. If it seems to be get heated without any reason ,then it need to be checked.

Lose charge 

Mobile phone often lose battery when over usage. If it seems to be drained without any reason ,then it need to be checked.

Unwanted storage consumption

If your phone contains many files and pop up as there is no storage it is cool. But without any known files were installed and without your knowledge if storage get full then there is a need to be checked.

Lose data(internet)

If your mobile data is getting over with your knowledge and according the usage it is normal. But without any reason if the internet goes down then it need to be checked.

Abnormal behavior of phone

If your phone behave abnormally and you have found it ,you need to check the phone.

Suddenly starts to slow down

If your phone getting slow down without any reason then it should be checked.


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