Useful websites for students

Useful websites for students

If you are student who is eager to find some interesting stuff in internet this page will help you out.

Useful website 1

If you want to change your pdf into word format or various other formats you need some third part apps. But you can convert your pdf into various formats by using a website in online. Click here.

Useful website 2

This is an advanced website which is useful for some one who is very interested in technology and predictions. We can see the predictions about the world after some years. Click here.

Useful website 3

This website is used for everyone. When you are interacting with a website it will prompt to sign up for next page or continue reading. Due to this, if we give our personal mail id we will be receiving spam mails. So for this there is a website which can gave you a disposable temporary mail id. To view Click here.

Useful website 4

This website is used when we want to know about the size of a particular country. In this website we can able to compare the size of a country with another. To see the website Click here

Useful website 5

If you are a student and need to get ideas for your final year projects this website will be useful for you. You can get almost 40 project ideas. To get ideas for projects Click here


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